
domingo, 27 de julio de 2008

Recuerdo de los años 80

Durante las pasadas vacaciones me dediqué a buscar por internet aquellas canciones que estuvieron presentes en la enseñanza del francés en decadas pasadas. Felizmente ya es posible encontrarlas en la red gracias a las nuevas tecnologías. Hoy, quiero recordar un exito de los años 80 : Santa María del mar, cantada por la gran cantante francesa Mireille Mathieu, conocida también como el ruiseñor de Avignon.
Para disfrutar de esta canción, clic en la imagen.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2008

Student throws water on Minister of Education

An student-teacher activity being held with the participation of the Minister of Education, Mónica Jiménez, took an unexpected turn this morning when the official became the target of an act of aggression from a student, who threw a glass of water in her face. The minister was one of the guest speakers at the Closing Day of Public Education Involvement Discussions, which calls on high school students, university students and teachers to address issues such as the General Education Law (LGE). The students belong to the Coordinating Assembly of University and High School Students (Aceus). The activity, which was being held at the Crown Plaza hotel, began to become tense as a group of students started to verbally confront the minister. The students hurled protests not only against the LGE, but also in relation to arrests that have been made during the various demonstrations that have taken place in recent weeks. (EMOL 14/07/2008)

lunes, 14 de julio de 2008

14 Juillet 2008

Oui, c'est vrai. Cette photo a commencé à vieillir avec le temps et moi avec elle. Je marchais ce soir le long du jardin de Tuileries, un soir d'hiver, loin de ma femme et de mes enfants et regrettant mon pays.
Que reste-t-il de tout cela?
Memories. I think you'll understand.
Such is the life.
Have a nice day!

jueves, 10 de julio de 2008

A la luna la mordió un ratón

Confieso que no siempre miro la luna.

Ignacio Sierra, ex-alumno Colegio San Antonio, promoción 2007:
1er Lugar Solistas Festival Plug & Play 2007

He was always sitting at the back of the classroom. Was he talking to her about the moon ? Congratulations Ignacio. profe_pm